Gaming and Libraries: By: Jenny Levine
Hello, Todd here reporting on a morning presentation dealing with gaming programs in libraries. It was satisfying to learn that the EVPL has already developed and sustained a successful line of gaming events. Many of the presenter’s slides resembled our own events, especially the Guitar Hero Tournament slide. Here are some statistics provided; 90 million Americans under the age of 35 who are active gamers. Out of that number, 62% are male and 38% are female. 75% of libraries support gaming(not all video games, but also board games, puzzles, online computer games) programs, 20% of libraries circulate video games, but only 13% of libraries run video gaming programs.
What Justifies video game programs???
There is value in gaming; in the form of educational experiences, learning, coordination, social interaction, strategy building, complex problem solving, multi-tasking, rapid information acquisition. These are the same qualities companies look for in employees. The EVPL appears to be right on track with this growing library trend.